Our next monthly meeting will be held in person and on Zoom, Wednesday, October 9th, at 7:00 p.m., in the lyceum at the Center of Southwest Studies at Fort Lewis College. After a brief business meeting, Larry Baker, director of Salmon Ruins, will present “Salmon Ruins: History and Recent Research.” A reception will start things off at 6:30 p.m. in the foyer of the Center of Southwest Studies.
Link to Join Webinar
Meeting ID: 962 7490 4694
SJBAS Newsletter – Moki Messenger
Moki – September 2024
SJBAS Zoom Presentations on YouTube
Zoom Presentations
New PAAC Lecture Series!
Exposing Hoaxes, Busting Myths, & Solving Mysteries
Archaeology helps us answer the mysteries of the past. But what about those mysteries that sound too good to be true? Is there evidence that giants existed? Are Archaeologists hiding information about ancient aliens? Did the Vikings visit El Paso County? Dr. Ken Feder, Professor Emeritus at Central Connecticut State University, will address all of those questions and more in this ten-part lecture series!
The lectures are roughly an hour each, and can be watched in any order or alone, but the recommended viewing sequence is:
- How do you know? The science of Archaeology
- How to pull off a sort of successful archaeological hoax: the sordid, but silly tale of the Cardiff Giant
- Piltdown Man in evolutionary and historical context
- Etched in stone
- Turn and face the strange: sacred chambers and sacrificial tables in New England and New York
- Mystery of the mounds
- Hail Atlantis!
- The fantasy of the astronauts
- Sheep, spirits, exploding stars, and massacres. Oh, and pterodactyls. Reading the rock art of North America.
- Archaeological follies
You do not need to register to view this lecture series, and there is no “credit” for taking this class. This is the first of a new lecture series that PAAC will offer to increase public engagement with our program and with our discipline.
Exposing Hoaxes, Busting Myths, & Solving Mysteries is available online on History Colorado’s YouTube page now! Tell your friends and family and go check it out.
The San Juan Basin Archaeological Society (SJBAS) is a Colorado Nonprofit Corporation. SJBAS consists of people who are interested in the archaeology, culture, and early history of the Four Corners region. We have members of all ages and backgrounds, some with extensive training in archaeology and others with more limited knowledge, but a strong desire to learn.
Our mission is to advocate for and promote public awareness and preservation of archaeological, cultural, and historical resources, primarily of the Four Corners region of the American Southwest.
Members are eligible to participate in SJBAS field trips and they receive a monthly newsletter, the Moki Messenger, with information about current SJBAS activities and other matters of archaeological and historical interest.